Category: Space Planning

How do you design a back office
What is a back office? This is a question that often puzzles people, especially those who are not familiar with the inner workings of a business. In short, the back office is the administrative and support side of a company. It includes all the behind-the-scenes functions that are necessary for a business to run smoothly,…
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How have offices evolved over time?
After all, the market for office furniture has always been faced with the task of serving and developing the current trends in work design. If someone wanted to furnish an office 50 years ago, what was important?Before we start our journey through time, it can be said quite clearly that design was not as important…
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The office within the four walls at home
The world of work has changed dramatically since the start of the Corona pandemic. Many companies have had to rethink and send their employees to the home office. Employees, meanwhile, have been forced to adapt to the new situation as well. And not everyone has an extra room available to work comfortably from home. So…
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Office work after Corona lock-down: new rules and measures
Corona office measuresThe Corona pandemic has paralyzed the economy in many parts of the country. Many offices also saw limited or no work. Thanks to recent relaxations, however, the first are returning. If all goes well, there will be steadily more. However, this does not mean that offices will quickly return to the pre-pandemic routine.…
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Office space planning. Modern office according to ergonomic aspects
Office space planning-modern offices-promoting-health aspects! With regard to the furnishing of a modern office, ergonomic aspects should always be taken into account, especially since an ergonomic workplace can quite decisively promote the physical health of the employee. On average, a German office worker spends 8 hours in front of a computer screen. Triggered by the…
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Office planning guide – tips from the experts
Do you want a modern, efficient and well thought-out working environment in your office? Are you planning a new furnishing or a new building? Our guidebook offers you an overview of the most important aspects of modern office planning, shows examples of furnishing concepts as well as inspiration for office furnishing. To ensure that you…
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